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We have collected answers to the most frequently asked questions from our customer service on this page.


When you are moving to a new apartment, contact your electricity sales supplier and make an electricity contract for your new apartment.

Your network service contract to the new address will be taken care of at the same time. All contracts related to the move are taken care of at the same time with the electricity sales supplier.

In real estate sales, the electricity connection is not automatically transferred to the new owner along with the transfer of the property. It is advisable to mention the transfer of the electricity connection in the deed of sale or to draw up a separate deed of transfer. Please notify the network company’s customer service in advance so that a new connection agreement can be prepared for the new owner. The new owner will receive a contract for an electrical connection to sign electronically once we have processed the property’s change of ownership.

Customer account

Members of the estate may authorise a person with a separate power of attorney to perform acts on behalf of the estate. A copy of the section of the estate deed containing information on the shareholders of the estate must be included with the power of attorney. Prior to the submission of this information to Kymenlaakson Sähkö Oy, we will not carry out the above-mentioned requests.

Read more and print the power of attorney template (opens in a new window in Finnish)

A change of address notification made through the Digital and Population Data Services Agency will not be forwarded to the electricity company. You  must contact your eletricity sales company to update you address information.

Network service

The price of network services includes all services related to the distribution of electricity from power plants all the way to the places of use. In connection with the network service fee, we collect the state’s electricity tax, which consists of excise duty on electricity and the security of supply fee, as well as a 24 per cent value added tax.

In addition, the network service price includes the renewal and maintenance of the electricity network, 24/7 monitoring of the functioning of the network, and repairs of faults and storm damage. This ensures that there will be no anomalies or extended power cuts in any circumstance.

A large part of the network service fee is spent on maintaining and renewing the network. Over the last ten years, more than EUR 170 million has been invested in the network.

The maintenance of network services mainly includes costs that are not related to the amount of electricity used by customers. It is the responsibility of the network service company to ensure that customers always have access to electricity when necessary, which is why the network must be maintained and developed.

The price levels of the network services vary between the operators depending on the number of customers and the structure and location of the network. The Energy Authority approves network service prices for different regions. Prices are always based on the actual costs of each region. The pricing of Kymenlaakson Sähköverkko is average in a national comparison.

It is impossible to choose your network service, as it is determined by your place of residence.

Power distribution companies have been assigned areas of responsibility in which they are obliged to distribute electricity to all electricity users on uniform and equal terms. The construction of multiple parallel power lines does not make economic or environmental sense. Since the network constitutes a so-called natural monopoly, its operation is strictly controlled.

Network service prices do not depend on the electricity supplier or finding a better electricity contract. You are free to choose where to buy your electricity.

If you do not need electricity at your property for more than one year, you can sign a line maintenance contract with us. In this case, we disconnect the property from the network and remove the meter. These measures are subject to a service fee in accordance with the service price list. In this case, you will pay a maintenance fee in accordance with the maintenance price list according to the primary fuse of the connection, and not pay any other power bills. Electricity can be reconnected when a power contractor has carried out a commissioning inspection of the installations and sent us a connection request.

Maintenance price list

Service price list


You can easily find your own electricity bills in our Online service. Please note that we offer Online service only in Finnish and Swedish. Log in to the Online service with your bank credentials or mobile certificate.  You can find your invoices by selecting “Laskut” (Invoices) from the top menu.

You can download the invoice to your device in PDF format by clicking on the blue link next to the invoice number. Similarly, on the (suoritukset) payments tab, you’ll see a summary of your payments.

Invoices cannot be paid in the Online service, but you can pay them in your own online bank, for example.

Your electricity bill consists of the network service and taxes (electricity tax and value added tax).

Your electricity bill is based on your actual electricity usage. With remotely readable meters, we measure your electricity consumption every hour or even every quarter of an hour.

If you live in our distribution network area, we will bill you for the network service. Use this link to see where we operate as a distribution network operator. Go to the electricity network page. (link opens in a new window)

E-invoicing is an easy and environmentally friendly way to handle electricity bills.

You receive the invoices directly in your online bank and when paying, you only need to review and approve the invoice. You can activate electronic invoicing in your online bank.

You can also ask us to submit an electronic invoice proposal to you, in which case you only need to accept the electronic invoice proposal that arrives in your online bank, after which you will receive all your invoices electronically. To submit an electronic invoice proposal, we need to know which bank you are using.

Read more about electronic invoices (opens in a new window).


KSOY Online is an service that allows you to see and manage your customer data 24/7. You can view data on your electricity consumption, electricity bills and contract data in the service, among other things.

Log in to the Online Service at or by clicking on the blue button in the upper right-hand corner of our website.

Logging in to the Online service takes place by using an email address and strong authentication. It is not possible to use the Online service without a personal email address and your own banking codes.

The strong authentication needs not be updated every time you log in to the service. When you use the Online service with the same device, strong authentication will remain in force for 30 days. If you want to log in to Online on several devices, you will need a new strong authentication.

You can use the online service whenever you want, which includes evenings and the weekends. You can view your customer information and change it as necessary. You can monitor your electricity consumption, view your invoices or submit a contact request to us.

Power disruptions

You can report power supply disruptions to our fault service, which is available 24/7/365, at +358 5 7780 222.

You can also file a fault report on our website: Submit a fault report here

Always report faults to our fault service. For example, if trees have fallen on the power lines, do not touch them or try to clear them on your own. Do not touch fallen power cables on the ground – they are a dangerous hazard.

Before you report a fault:

  • Check that your electrical equipment is not broken.
  • Check that your power socket is working by connecting another device.
  • Make sure that your fuse is not blown, or that the switch of an automatic fuse isn’t tripped.
  • Check that your electricity hasn’t been disconnected due to unpaid bills. If your electricity is cut off due to unpaid bills, please contact our customer service at +358 5 7780 500.

All tree felling or related matters are handled by our partner, Elvera Oy. You can contact them directly by phone (tel. +358 29 170 4608) or with a form. You can attach photos of the location to the form. A link to the customer service page and form can be found at the end of this answer. The service is open on weekdays from 8 am to 4 pm.

Tree felling advice is free of charge for the customer. The service includes safe felling of trees near electrical wires. The plot owner is responsible for the felling of the tree, the necessary permits and any other measures. More information is available on our website: Navigate to the tree felling advice page.

This is how to update your fault notification settings in the Online-service (Please note that the Online-service is available only in Finnish and Swedish):

  1. Log in to the Online-service with your bank credentials or mobile certificate.
  2. Select “Omat tiedot” (My details) from the top bar. You can edit your details and check or add a mobile number under My details.
  3. Click on the “Häiriötietoasetukset” (Fault notification settings) link under “Voit tarkastella häiriötiedotusasetuksiasi täältä” (Check your fault notification settings here).
  4. Next, click on the link text: ”Muokkaa häiriötiedoteasetuksia” (“Edit Fault Notification Settings”). This opens the system in which you can see and edit your own fault notification settings.
  5. Select the option “haluan vastaanottaa häiriötiedotteita” (to receive fault notifications).
  6. Select the option “haluan vastaanottaa tekstiviestejä” (to receive text messages).
  7. If you want to edit the information more, click: “Hallinnoi käyttöpaikan lähetystietoja” (Manage place-of-use notification information).
  8. Specify times at which you want to receive fault notifications.
  9. Specify what kinds of fault notifications you want to receive.
  10. Finally, accept your changes by clicking “Hyväksy muutokset”.

Please note! If you are not a Kymenlaakson Sähköverkko network service customer, you cannot edit the fault notification settings in KSOY’s Online system. In such a case, inquire your network service operator about fault notifications.

According to the Electricity Market Act, an electricity user has the right to receive standard compensation when their place of use has been without electricity for at least 12 consecutive hours. The amount of the standard compensation depends on the network service fee and the length of the fault.

Read more about standard compensation


More information can be found on our microgeneration page.

Read about how we buy surplus electricity here .

If you have any questions regarding microgeneration, contact

our Customer Service tel. +358 5 7780 500, (advice related to microgeneration, electricity purchasing agreements)

Builder’s services and connection matters, tel. +358 5 7780 510 (ensuring maximum power, connecting microgeneration to the network).

Kymenlaakson Sähkö does not sell solar power systems.

System connections must always be left to a professional. The person connecting the system must be a qualified electrician. A connection to the network requires a permit from your network company and compliance with their instructions. We will conclude the network service agreements on your behalf and ensure that the equipment can be connected to the public network.

The system may not be commissioned until the General Information Form has been submitted to the network operator, and the network operator grants permission to do so. Before commissioning, the network company will provide you a bi-directional meter free of charge, which will also be used to measure the electricity fed into the network, for which you can receive compensation.

Some municipalities require a permit before installing a solar power system, while in some municipalities, a simple notification is sufficient. According to the Land Use and Building Act, which entered into force in April 2017, a notification is usually a sufficient measure, but municipalities may require a permit if the installation is made on the facade of a building, for example. You can check the situation in your hometown from their construction authority.

Kymenlaakson Sähkö carries out net accounting for microgeneration customers, who both buy and sell electricity, and whose production does not exceed 100 kVA. Hour-based net accounting means that one hour can only include either electricity buying or selling.

If electricity is both produced and consumed in the same hour, the electricity produced will directly reduce the amount of electricity purchased. This way, the amount of produced energy is removed from the amount of energy consumed. If the amount of electricity produced exceeds the consumption, the consumption data for that period will show as zero.

For example: If a total of 4 kilowatt-hours of purchases and 2 kilowatt-hours of sales have been made for the same hour, the net result is 2 kilowatt-hours of purchases. The customer will be billed accordingly.

Using your solar power instead of selling it out is more advantageous to you. As a small producer, you will no longer buy and sell electricity at the same time during the same hour, but all the electricity you produce will primarily be used by you.

With net accounting, you save on electricity purchase costs. Every kilowatt-hour you produce and use is what generates savings in your network service fees, energy usage fees and electricity tax. Net accounting does not affect the base fee.

The production data is displayed through the monitoring software included in the solar power system. As our customer, you can see in the net electricity consumption and the surplus generation, i.e. the electricity you sell, in our Online service.

© Kymenlaakson Sähkö Oy | Kymenlaakson Sähköverkko Oy | Yhdystie 7, PB 9, 47201 Elimäki