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Network Service Contracts

A network service contract includes all the services related to the transmission of power from the power plants that produce electricity right down to the metering points. The network service is carried out by Kymenlaakson Sähköverkko Oy, and our duty is to supply electricity to wherever you need it.

Study the contracts and select the alternative most suitable for you. You can switch your chosen network service contract for another after one year at the earliest.

Distribution of general electricity

  • Your electricity consumption is usually in daytime
  • Suitable for e.g. apartments, holiday homes and terraced, semi-detached or detached houses with some other form of heating than electricity
  • The distribution fee is the same day and night and all the year round

Night distribution

  • You use electricity also at night and you have electric heating
  • For example, you can heat your domestic water at night, or your property has electric storage heating
  • The distribution fee is cheaper at night

Seasonal distribution

  • You can opt for heating with e.g. wood on winter weekdays
  • You can use a heat pump for heating and cooling
  • You run a farm where power consumption is high in summertime
  • The electricity use is in a business where the size of the main fuse is maximum 3 x 160 A
  • The distribution fee is cheaper in summertime and in winter at night and on Sundays, while the winter weekday fee is higher

Low-voltage power

  • Suitable for businesses with a main fuse above 3 x 160 A
  • User fee as in seasonal distribution
  • In addition to the fixed fee and distribution fee, the distribution fee is affected by active and reactive power peaks

Medium-voltage power

  • Suitable for companies with a large power requirement
  • User fee as in seasonal distribution
  • The electricity is distributed using a 20 kV output, which requires the customer to own and maintain a transformer substation necessary for distribution
  • In addition to the fixed fee and distribution fee, the distribution fee is affected by metered active and reactive power peaks

© Kymenlaakson Sähkö Oy | Kymenlaakson Sähköverkko Oy | Yhdystie 7, PB 9, 47201 Elimäki