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How to prepare for power cuts

The reason for a power outage is often evident. Wind, storms, heavy snowfall or thunderstorms may cause a power cut. In clear weather, the reason may be a small animal hitting an overhead line or a tree falling on it.

Electricity faults may be in your own property, in the low-voltage network or in the medium-voltage network. The liability division between the customer and electricity company lies at the connection point of the low-voltage cable.

What to do in various electricity fault situations

When part of the property has no power: e.g. one of the main fuses has blown or one of the low voltage phases is cut.

  • Check the main and other fuses and replace if necessary.
  • Check the low-voltage cables on the property and, if necessary, contact an electrician.
  • Ask your neighbours if they have the same problem.
  • Phone  the electricity company’s fault notification number.

If the lights burn brighter or dim suspiciously when using another electrical device: the zero or PEN conductor of the low-voltage line may have been cut.

  • Turn the main switch into 0 position to avoid the risk of overvoltage.
  • Check the low-voltage cables on the property and, if necessary, contact an electrician.
  • Phone the electricity company fault notification number. When suspecting a zero      fault in stormy weather, you should always contact the fault service. The      most likely reason is a tree falling on a line and a cut zero conductor.

When all the power is off in a large area, there is a medium-voltage fault.

  • The electricity company knows about the fault. Wait for the power to return.
  • Further information on the extent and duration of the outage from Faultnet and from Faultinfo at the fault notification number (05) 7780 222.

You will also find a lot of useful information on electricity faults on the Sähkönturvallisuuden edistämiskeskus STEK website (Finnish only, opens in new tab).

Be prepared for a power cut

In case of power cuts, have ready

  • a torch
  • candles and matches
  • a battery-operated radio
  • batteries both for the radio and torch
  • spare fuses
  • firewood, if you have an open fireplace or a wood-burning stove

Put these items where they are easy to find in the dark.

Also remember these:

  • Order electricity fault notices to your phone and/or email Sign up for our free text message service for information on power cuts. We send you the reason for he power cut and the estimated duration. Sign up for the service in our Online service.
  • Make sure you have a reserve heating system. If you are building a house, install a storage fireplace, and always keep a sufficient supply of dry firewood available. A reserve heating system is particularly necessary in houses with water-circulating electrical storage heating where a power cut may, at worst, cause the heat distribution system to freeze and become damaged.
  • Supplement your firewood stocks from MottiNet
  • Get a reserve power source. Farms can best prepare for power cuts by purchasing a reserve power source. Our technical customer service provides advice on matters relating to purchasing and using reserve power.
  • Put your lightning protection in order. Computers and other sensitive      computerised devices are vulnerable to voltage spikes and variations. In less populated areas, where electricity is carried by overhead lines, you can protect your equipment on two levels:
    • Fine protection for each device or set of devices for the fuse panel or sockets (you can install overvoltage protectors for sockets yourself)
    • Our  technical customer service can provide more information on overvoltage protection.

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