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Hae sivustolta


We bring light and warmth into people’s lives and power for business operations.

We are the most important energy company in our region, both in terms of turnover and customer numbers.

Our distribution area has some 150 000 residents, and we deliver electricity to more than 100 000 customers. We know our customers and develop competitive solutions for them, which also adhere to the principles of sustainable development of both the environment and society.

We systematically invest in diverse energy generation and continuous development of our electricity network. Through considered investments and sound business activities, we ensure a reliable electricity supply to our customers and significant returns for our owner municipalities.


Kymenlaakson Sähkö is an energy group owned by 10 towns and municipalities.

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Contact information

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© Kymenlaakson Sähkö Oy | Kymenlaakson Sähköverkko Oy | Yhdystie 7, PB 9, 47201 Elimäki