Our partner Sergel Oy handles debt collection starting from the payment reminder.
If your overdue invoice remains unpaid, you will receive a free SMS reminder after eight days.
Two weeks after the due date, Sergel Oy will send a payment reminder, for which they charge a reminder fee of 5 euros (for consumer customers) or 12 euros (for business customers).
If the reminder fee remains unpaid, it will be transferred to debt collection. You can get more information about the invoice transferred to debt collection from Sergel Oy
Did you receive a letter from Sergel? Take action in Sergel’s service.
Log in to Sergel’s Omat sivut ( My Pages) service at www.sergel.fi
You can log in to Omat sivut (My Pages) with your bank credentials or mobile certificate.
Once logged in to Sergel’s service, you can:
Pay your debt.
Report a payment.
See a summary of your debts.
Check your payment status.
Check your debt status.
Extend the payment period.
Create a payment plan.
Send a message to Sergel’s customer service.
Authorize another person to act on your behalf.
If necessary, you can contact Sergel by phone at 0200 13113 (local or mobile network rate). The phone service is open Mon-Fri from 8 am to 6 pm.
For more information and instructions, please go to www.sergel.fi.