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Hae sivustolta

Service price list

Suspension fee

VAT 0 % VAT 25,5 %
Handling fee for suspension
VAT 0 % fee valid for consumer customers
48 € 60,24

Fees related to metering

VAT 0% VAT 25,5, %
First connection to the network for a new metering point free of charge free of charge
Replacement and inspection of a meter €193.55 €242,91
Fee for a metering procedure inspection, replacement, transfer, connection of pulse output or other metering-related procedure €112.90 €141,69

Fees for worksite centres

VAT 0 % VAT 25,5 %
Delivery of a worksite centre (installation or disconnection) delivery time 5 working days €161.29 202,42
delivery time 2 working days €225.81 283,39
Transfer of a worksite centre €161.29 202,42
Rental of a worksite centre 3 x 25 A €1.29 1,62/day
3 x 35–63 A €2.02 2,54/day

Fees for other services

VAT 0 % VAT 25,5, %
Fault service visit fault service visit/establishing a fault in customer equipment and minor repairs €80.65 €101,22
Other service visit minor network task agreed with the customer €112.90 €141,69
Padlock €16.13 €20,24
Lock cylinder €104.84 €131,57

Disclosure of metering point data

We charge an hourly fee for metering point and hourly data.

Fees related to billing and debt control

VAT 0 % VAT 25,5 %
Order a printout sending a copy of a bill or printouts of contracts etc. €4.03 €5,06
Extra bill extra bill printed out and sent at the customer’s request €8.06 €10,12
Hourly rate other printouts / tasks based on the amount of time spent (minimum ½ h), investigating and sending hourly and metering point data €46.77 €58,70 / hour
Billing upon termination of a contract on a metering point, we do not charge for or reimburse a final bill that is worth less than five euros.
Interest for late payment according to the Interest Act
Penalty charge for late payment, excl. VAT
Consumer customer (excl. VAT) €5.00 / each €5.00 / each
Corporate customers (excl. VAT) €12.00 / each €12.00 / each

Free Services

Tree felling advice guidance when tree felling may cause damage to powerlines
Advice on the location of underground cables an hourly fee charged on more extensive sites
Investigating quality problems with electricity supply
Advice on electricity use
Borrowing electricity usage monitors
Online services
Fault notification service

With two procedures carried out at the same time, we will not charge the service fee for the smaller amount.

© Kymenlaakson Sähkö Oy | Kymenlaakson Sähköverkko Oy | Yhdystie 7, PB 9, 47201 Elimäki