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Maintenance of the connection

Main fuse A Maintenance fee €/year
Connections 3 x 25 – 3 x 63 A €84.00 VAT 24%
Connections over 3 x 63 A €840.00 VAT 24%
Medium voltage connections power distribution basic charge VAT 0%


Main fuse A Maintenance fee €/year
Connections 3 x 25 – 3 x 63 A €85.00 VAT 25,5%
Connections over 3 x 63 A €850.00 VAT 25,5%
Medium voltage connections power distribution basic charge VAT 0%

© Kymenlaakson Sähkö Oy | Kymenlaakson Sähköverkko Oy | Yhdystie 7, PB 9, 47201 Elimäki