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Network service fees for production

Network service fees for consumption of electricity generation by Kymenlaakson Sähköverkko Oy and own generation of 0.04–20 kV:

Network output

  • Energy fee 0.07 c/kWh (0% VAT)
  • Energy fee
    • Price until August 31,2024: 0.0868 c/kWh (24% VAT)
    • Price as of September 1, 2024: 0.08785 c/kWh (25,5% VAT)

Network input (consumption)

  • In accordance with the effective price list for electricity distribution

Reactive electricity

  • Reactive power charge is based on the monthly peak for hourly reactive power, deducted by 20% of the amount of peak active power in the same month (input/output)
  • The reactive power fee is the same as the fee for low-voltage and medium-voltage power products in the price list for electricity distribution.

Generation plants of 1 MVA and over

The charges for the consumption of own generation are determined on the basis of the valid price list of Fingrid Oy. We will charge other fees in accordance with the valid service price list.

The terms complied with in electricity generation and the consumption of own generation are as follows (in Finnish):

Verkkopalveluehdot 2019(198,2 kB)

© Kymenlaakson Sähkö Oy | Kymenlaakson Sähköverkko Oy | Yhdystie 7, PB 9, 47201 Elimäki